The History of our Society
    A group of Lee residents met on August 21, 2003 and formed the Society.   Steve Cozzaglio was the first President and guided the Society through its first 10 years.

    The Society was incorporated in 2005.  It is a 501 (c) 3 organization and contributions are tax deductible.

    ByLaws were approved in December, 2004.  The most recent revisions were made in October 2020.

    Mal Eckert, as of 2020, is the longest-serving officer.  He was the Treasurer when the Society was formed.  He has been the Editor of our newsletter from its inception until October 2020. 

{Type a slogan for your site here}A

1- Mal was Tres. from A to B

2- When was Gary Pres & VPres

3- can we make a list of everyone who has been on the Board.

    ? ? what other history of the LHS is interesting / important 

{Type a slogan for your site here}A